07 March 2025

GP Federation Supports Dementia Tea Dances

GP Federation Supports Dementia Tea Dances

The Millennium Forum today announced that GP Federation will sponsor its popular Dementia Friendly Tea Dances.  This new partnership is the latest in the Forum’s award-winning Access collaborations and reinforces the importance of social prescribing and the Arts for the benefits of people within the Derry City & Strabane district. 


Lisa Heaney, Access Manager at the Millennium Forum, welcomes this partnership.  She says:


“We are delighted to welcome the GP Federation as our new Tea Dance partner. This partnership will enable us to continue with our award-winning Access Programme of events which reinforces our commitment to providing accessible theatre for everyone.  Since September 2024, we have had a weekly activity at our theatre for older people to promote inclusion, improve brain health and help remove social isolation in our city and district.  We are now in a position to encourage the PHA and health professionals to work alongside us to ensure that when people visit their GP worried about their memory, they initially start the process with prescribing people to the Arts.”


She added:


“There is already evidence to suggest that prescribing people to the Arts dramatically improves health outcomes and well-being, counters inequalities and increases social engagement. As a supplement to medicine and care, the evidence also suggests that engagement with the Arts can improve a person's physical and mental well-being.”


Shona McEleney, Social Work Assistant, Glendermott Medical Practice, Waterside Health Centre, Derry/Londonderry said: 


“The Derry GP Federation and the Western Trust is delighted to work in partnership with the Millennium Forum, Derry/Londonderry in providing funding for the Dementia Friendly Tea Dance held in the Forum on a monthly basis for people in the local community with a dementia diagnoses. We are very aware of the anxiety and isolation felt by those with dementia and their families and this is a wonderful initiative which can help alleviate social isolation which has a huge benefit to their health and wellbeing. We look forward to working with the Forum to encourage people to visit the theatre and wish them continued success in bringing the benefits of the Arts to people in the Derry City & Strabane district.”


The Dementia Friendly Tea Dances run monthly at the Millennium Forum and are entirely free of charge. However, bookings must be made in advance.  For more information, contact Lisa Heaney, Box Office & Access Manager at the Millennium Forum on 02871 272779 or email lisah@millenniumforum.co.uk