Martin Bradley, MBE
Chairman of Derry Theatre TrustMartin has 35 years’ experience in working for the HSC in Northern Ireland. He worked initially in the Western Trust where he was Chief Salaries and Wages officer until September 2009. In October that year he took up position in the BSO as Assistant Director of Operations – Head of HSC Pension Service. He was responsible for ensuring the implementation of Pension Reforms throughout the past 12 years including the new 2015 Career Average Revalued Earnings Scheme.
From March 22 to April 23 Martin was appointed as Interim Director of Operations where he was responsible for HSC Pension Services, Procurement and Logistics, Counter Fraud and Probity Service and Family Practitioner Services.
Martin is also a former vice-chair of Arts Council. N.I., currently the Chair of the Millennium Forum and former Chair of Arts & Business N.I. He was awarded an MBE in 2008 for his services to the Arts in Northern Ireland.